Top 100 demolition contractors ranking: deadline extended

The deadline for entries for the 2023 ranking of the world’s top 100 demolition contractors by annual turnover has been extended, with companies being given another chance to get their entry forms in.

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“Every year, leading demolition companies - no matter where in the world they are based and now matter how well they may be known to the public - enter our toplist ranking,” said Leila Steed, editor of Demolition & Recycling International (D&Ri) magazine.

“In previous years our list of the top 100 demolition contractors was published in the summer.

“However, with D&Ri magazine now included within our sister publication International Construction and now benefitting from an audience that is roughly four times bigger, we’ve moved its publication date to the fourth quarter of the year to give contractors around the world more time to announce their financial results.”

Contractors now have until October 13, 2023, to submit their 2022 turnover figure for the d&ri100 toplist. The entry form can be found below.

Entry forms should be completed and sent to D&Ri editor Leila Steed ([email protected]), who will confirm receipt of your company’s entry via email.

“Even if you do not have the 2022 figure available yet, we will still accept a reasonable estimate, or your actual turnover from 2021, if that is the most recent figure available,” said Leila.

“However, please make sure you tick the appropriate box on the form so we know which figure is being declared.”

The d&ri100, which will be published in the Q4 issue of Demolition & Recycling International magazine, is the most comprehensive listing of demolition contractors by turnover in the world, and is eagerly awaited by construction industry readers worldwide.

Which demolition contractors have seen the highest turnover since 2020? Analysis published in d&ri100 2022 reveals the top demolition contractors by turnover increase

Supporting documents

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Leila Steed Editor, Demolition & Recycling International Tel: +44(0) 1892 786 261 E-mail: [email protected]
Peter Collinson International Sales Manager Tel: +44 (0) 1892 786220 E-mail: [email protected]