Renowned demolition expert honoured with prestigious IDE fellowship

Richard Vann, founder and managing director of RVA Group, has been granted the title of Honorary Fellow from the Institute of Demolition Engineers (IDE) in the United Kingdom.

deRichard Vann, Managing Director at RVA Group, receiving his fellowship award from IDE President Vernon Watson. Richard Vann, Managing Director at RVA Group, receiving his fellowship award from IDE President Vernon Watson. (PHOTO: RVA)

He was awarded the position by the IDE Membership Committee in “recognition of his dedication and contribution to the demolition industry” over the past four decades, during which time he has demonstrated “unwavering commitment to both safety and excellence in the field”.

Upon hearing that he would be receiving the title, Richard said: “To be acknowledged by one of my peers is deeply humbling.

“This fellowship is not just a recognition of my work, but a testament to the dedicated team at RVA Group — reflecting our collective commitment to elevating safety and quality standards in the demolition industry.

“After 40 years in the space, this award will rank among my career highlights. I feel immensely proud.” 

The IDE recently hosted a special ceremony at this its Annual Luncheon, where Vann was presented with his certificate as an Honorary Fellow by IDE President Vernon Watson.

The Honorary Fellow status entitles the holder to a lifetime membership with the institute, and allows them to append the initials Hon.FIDE after their name.

Richard’s achievements in the demolition and dismantling industry began early on when he recognised a void in decommissioning project management. 

“He saw that, while construction projects were meticulously planned and executed, decommissioning works were often relegated to the background, marked by inadequate resources, insufficient training, and dangerously tight schedules and budgets,” said RVA.

Richard’s ‘brainchild’, RVA Group, thus sought to place greater emphasis on the end-of-life processes associated with built structures.

He assembled a team of engineers and project managers — each a leader in their respective disciplines — and “has since led the charge to help redefine standards for complex project handling”.

RVA said: “At the core of RVA’s operations lies an unwavering principle: the safety and wellbeing of every individual involved. Vann’s dedication to ensuring that every colleague returns home safely every day has become the guiding light of RVA Group.”

Decommissioning: the end, or the start of a new beginning? In his final column for D&Ri, Richard Vann discusses the importance of helping the next generation of demolition professionals

Leila Steed Editor, Demolition & Recycling International Tel: +44(0) 1892 786 261 E-mail: [email protected]
Peter Collinson International Sales Manager Tel: +44 (0) 1892 786220 E-mail: [email protected]