All Govt & Regulatory Articles

US construction officials, unions rally to continue working
Some states have already ruled construction can continue, despite shelter-in-place orders
Construction considered ‘essential’ in many US regions
Despite increasingly strict coronavirus precautions, construction continues in many large American markets
Economic recovery post coronavirus could be ‘robust’
European Bank for Reconstruction and Development releases €1 billion in emergency funds
US government mulls unprecedented economic stimulus
Construction industry braces for shutdowns amid increasingly dire circumstances
ANCE asks for suspension of Italian construction
Italy’s contractors association has called for the suspension of construction work in Italy in response to COVID-19 crisis
Associations call for circular economy
Industry bodies outline need for a panel to focus on recycling the EU’s construction waste
WDS 2016 - Featured speaker - Brian Hornyak
Vice president of major projects at US company Sabre Demolition brings a wealth of safety experience to the World Demolition Summit
NDA expands government lobbying activities
The US-based national Demolition Association's new Government Affairs committee will support the activities of the recently appointed government affairs director in Washington DC.
SNED launches online waste management system
Waste management tracking system will allow French demolition contractors to monitor project waste and comply with regulations.
OSHA rules on hoisting in demolition
OSHA has applied the 2010 Cranes standard to hoisting in the demolition and construction sectors
North American high reach users offered safe use guide
The National Demolition Association (NDA) has published its 'Americanised' version of the UK National Federation of Demolition Contractors' (NFDC) high reach guidance notes
KHL Group wins Queen's Award for Enterprise
KHL Group wins the most prestigious British industry award in 2010, the Queen's Award for Enterprise in the highly competitive International Trade category.
Making the most of waste plasterboard
The UK construction and demolition industries could be saving over £8.2 million (US$13.6 million) each year by diverting more of the waste plasterboard they generate away from landfill and back into the production of useful materials. The introduction of a new Quality Protocol by the Waste Protocols Project - a joint Environment Agency and WRAP (Waste & Resources Action Programme) initiative - could help the demolition industry realise some of these savings. Here joint project executives Mervyn Jones (WRAP) and Martin Brocklehurst (Environment Agency) explain how…
UK NVQ funding cuts could lead to “absolute failure”
Recently announced cuts to the UK's NVQ grant funding could lead to an "absolute failure" of the well-established training scheme, says Howard Button, chief executive of the NFDC
Roofing panels - the new asbestos?
Demolition contractors working in the more than 150 countries that are signatories to the Montreal protocol on substances that deplete the ozone layer will have to develop methods of processing the composite roofing panels common on larger industrial structures built from the 1960s onwards.
Fast track to environmental care
UK demolition contractor Clifford Devlin has fast-tracked its way to an ISO14001 compliant environmental system using the collaborative Fast-Track 14 (FT-14) programme in just six months.
European parliament adopts directive on recycling
The European Parliament has approved the European Commission’s directive covering recycling of waste materials in the European Union (EU).
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